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Crestron AXP-CCS Softwire Camera Center

Crestron PTZF dual joystick camera controller, uses a 4 pin mini XLR to connect to your system. This unit is in excellent cosmetic condition, UNTESTED by bts.

Crestron Cresnet IIP Media Control System

This unit is very similar to the Cresnet IIMS. It is untested beyond a simple power up.

Crestron CNRFGWA RF receiver, less power supply.

RF receiver that allows Crestron 433MHz 1-way wireless touch panels and handheld remotes to communicate with a control system.
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Crestron CNRFT-32A RF wireless control panel

The CNRFT-32A is a low cost, full-function radio frequency keypad that may be used as a dedicated wireless controller for audio, video and environmental functions. Requires CNIRGW or CNRFGWA wireless receiver.

Crestron ST-VC Remote Level & EQ

Crestron ST-VC is a digitally controlled 3-channel audio attenuator. Balanced I/Os, ±12db @ 100HZ and 10KHZ.
A partir de $39.00

Crestron CP-2 Control Panel

Crestron CP-2 2-series engine compact control system. These were working when removed, untested by bts and sold As Is. Price is per unit.
A partir de $229.00