RF Gear: Mods/Demods, Ham gear, Parts

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Amperex 811A Transmitter tube #0113, NOS, tests good.

NOS Amperex 811A Power triode, with heavier Plate (anode) construction. Made in the USA. Tested on TV7. Date code 78-08.

National Electronics NL-649/5834 Tube, NOS

The National NL649/5834 is a high current rectifier tube. These are NOS, please read the full description.

Jefferson Electric C-12A-2949 Transformer

An antique pulled from a tube radio set, with B+ and -C terminals.

Kapitol Magnetic Corp M-5499

A small signal output transformer removed from equipment, in Good condition.

Satellite and Cable TV Grounding blocks

Holland Electronics Model GL-G2B2, UL Listed 3 GigaHertz grounding Blocks. Sold in lots of 10 pieces.
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