Henry Engineering- The Matchbox
The Matchbox by Henry Engineering. IHF to Pro Interface -10db to +4db. Stereo XLR input and outputs, to RCA inputs and outputs.
This version is designed to be panel or rack mounted using the 2 keyholes in the back of the chassis. They are light weight (1 lb) and small enough (6"x3.5"x2") to be mounted to a rack rail or strut with Velcro or tie wraps.
This model has a handy convenience outlet located on the top to ease the demand on the rack electrical strip.
There are level controls on the Studio Outputs.
Features and Specifications from Henry Engineering:
THE MATCHBOX is an active interface amplifier that properly interfaces unbalanced “consumer” IHF-standard or Semi-Professional audio equipment with professional studio gear. THE MATCHBOX is a bi-directional unit, with four independent amplifiers providing stereo input and output audio interface. Two amplifiers convert a stereo HI-Z unbalanced source to LO-Z balanced outputs at studio level. A second pair of amplifiers converts a stereo balanced studio line source to unbalanced compatible outputs. All four output levels are adjustable.
All circuitry is active and direct-coupled for absolute sonic transparency, making THE MATCHBOX ideal for use with digital audio sources such as DAT recorders and computer-based digital sound editing systems.
UNBAL input to BAL output BAL input to UNBAL output
INPUT LEVEL: -10dBv nom (HI GAIN: -20dBv) 0dBu to +8dBu nominal
INPUT IMPED: 10K ohms (HI GAIN: 9K ohms) 50K ohms
GAIN: +6 to +20dB (HI GAIN: add 6dB) -8dB to infinity (off)
OUTPUT LEVEL: 0 to +8dBu nom, +26dBu max -10dBv nom, +16dBv max
OUTPUT LOAD: 600 ohms or higher, balanced 2K ohms or higher, unbalanced
NOISE LEVEL 85dB below nom output level 80dB below nom output level
FREQ RESPONSE: DC to 30 kHz, +/- 0.25dB DC to 30 kHz, +/- 0.25dB
DISTORTION: .008% at any frequency .008% at any frequency
POWER INPUT: 115/230 VAC, 50/60Hz, 3 W
Dimensions: 6.25"w X 3.50"h X 2.25"d